Goyal Salt Limited Incorporated in 2010 primarily engages in the business of refining raw salts procured from subsoil brine in the state of Rajasthan for use as industrial salts and edible salts. This company specializes in producing and distributing pure, refined, and premium products, such as triple-refined free-flow iodized salt, industrial salt, double-fortified salt, and triple-refined half-dry salt. Importantly, the company’s refining process is free from chemical adulteration and harmful substances.
Goyal Salt Limited operates a well-equipped refinery in Nawa City, which is situated adjacent to the famous Sambhar Lake. Additionally, the company holds lease rights to harvest raw salt over 18.66 hectares of land, provided by the Government of Rajasthan, in the vicinity of the salt-producing area of Nawa City in Rajasthan.
Due to its numerous uses in the oil and gas, chlor-alkali, de-icing chemicals, chemical manufacture, pigment, soap and detergent, rubber and leather, textiles and dyeing, food and beverage sectors, and so on, industrial salt is in great demand. The growth in demand for industrial salt is expected to be driven primarily by increasing industrialization, given its versatile industrial applications. Specifically, heightened demand is anticipated from the food and beverage industry, soap and detergent industry, the chlor-alkali sector in the chemical industry, chemical processing, water treatment, agriculture, and dyeing.
Goyal Salt Limited recently diversified its product offering to include refined iodized salt and double-fortified salt. Edible salt, often known as table salt or iodized salt, is a mineral that humans ingest. It is available in a variety of forms, including unprocessed salt, refined salt, and iodized salt. Raw salt contains not only sodium chloride but also other essential trace minerals in nature. The company sells refined salt in half-kilogram and one-kilogram packages for home use, as well as fifty-kilogram and jumbo bags for industrial usage.
Goyal Salt Limited is managed by its promoters and directors, namely, Mr. Rajesh Goyal, Mr. Pramesh Goyal, and Mr. Lokesh Goyal, each possessing extensive experience and exposure of about 20 years in the salt industry. The company’s well-equipped refining unit is equipped with state-of-the-art plant and machinery for salt refining, along with an in-house quality control lab featuring testing equipment to ensure product quality. Rigorous quality checks are conducted on finished products to meet established standards, with the facility comprising its own quality check department, research and product development department, and stockyard.
Goyal Salt Limited IPO Complete Details:

Goyal Salt Limited IPO Timetable:

Company Financial Details:

AS OF NOW, the GMP OF Goyal Salt Limited is Around 25 Rs.
Objects Of Issue:
1. Investment in improving quality through capital expenditures.
2. Allocation for the creation of our brand and marketing expenses.
3. Provision for meeting the working capital needs of our company.
4. Funding for general corporate purposes.
The following individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) are the promoters of the company:
- Mr. Rajesh Goyal
- Mr. Pramesh Goyal
- Mr. Lokesh Goyal
- Mrs. Radhika Goyal
- Mrs. Priyanka Goyal
- Mrs. Rekha Goyal
- Kunj Bihari Goyal (HUF)
- Rajesh Goyal (HUF)
- Parmesh Goyal (HUF)
- Lokesh Goyal (HUF)
When Goyal Salt Limited’s IPO is Opening?
Newjaisa Technologies Limited IPO is Opening on 26 September 2023(Tuesday).
When Goyal Salt Limited IPO is Closing?
Goyal Salt Limited IPO is Closing on 29 September 2023(Friday).
What is the IPO Issue Size of Goyal Salt Limited?
The IPO Issue Size of Goyal Salt Limited is 18.63 Crore.
Price Band of Goyal Salt Limited IPO?
The price Band of Goyal Salt Limited IPO is 36 to 38 rupees per share.
What is the minimum investment for Goyal Salt Limited IPO?
The minimum investment for Goyal Salt Limited IPO is 114,000 Rupees.
Allotment Date of Goyal Salt Limited IPO?
The Allotment of Goyal Salt Limited IPO is on 05 October 2023(Thursday).
Listing Date of Goyal Salt Limited IPO?
The Listing Of Goyal Salt Limited is Scheduled on 10 October 2023(Tuesday).
One Should Apply Goyal Salt Limited IPO or Not?
May Apply
How to apply for Goyal Salt Limited IPO through the Zerodha Application?
Open Zerodha Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Orders ——–> Then at the Top Click on IPO ——–> Find Goyal Salt Limited IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Select Investor Type(Individual) ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select @ Extension ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–> Enter Quantity ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Drag Submit IPO Button On Right Side ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Goyal Salt Limited IPO through the Upstox Application?
Open Upstox Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Invest ——–> Then Click On “View ongoing IPO” ——–> Find Goyal Salt Limited IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter the Number of Lots to Purchase ( ENTER 1) ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Click on Continue ——–> Click on Confirm And Apply ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Goyal Salt Limited IPO through Angel One Application?
Open Angel One Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Home ——–> Click on IPO Button ——–> Find Goyal Salt Limited IPO from the list ——–> Click on Goyal Salt Limited IPO Name ——–> Click on Apply Now ——> Enter Lot (1) ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter UPI ID ——–> Click on “Apply For IPO” —>Click On Proceed ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
Who is Goyal Salt Limited IPO’s Lead Manager?
Holani Consultants Private Limited is the Lead Manager of Goyal Salt Limited.
Where To Check the Allotment of Goyal Salt Limited IPO?
The allotment status for the Goyal Salt Limited IPO will be accessible on the Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd Website.
What is the EPS (Earnings Per Share) of Goyal Salt Limited?
The EPS (Earnings Per Share) of Goyal Salt Limited is 2.27.
What is the ROCE of Goyal Salt Limited?
ROCE of Goyal Salt Limited is 36.22%
What is the ROE of Goyal Salt Limited?
ROE of Goyal Salt Limited is 25.38%
What is the P/E Ratio of Goyal Salt Limited?
The P/E Ratio of Goyal Salt Limited is 13.97.