Polysil Irrigation Systems, established in 1985 is a company deeply involved in the drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation industries. They specialize in microirrigation. Are well-regarded for their high-quality products that adhere to BIS standards. Polysil offers a range of HDPE pipes, fittings, and micro irrigation systems including drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation systems well, as various components, accessories, and related products. All these offerings are proudly branded under the name “Polysil”. Provide solutions to end customers.
Polysil Irrigation Systems’ product range includes HDPE Pipes, pipe fittings, and irrigation equipment, such as disc filters, screen filters, hydro-cyclone filters, sand filters (gravel), compression fittings, valves (electrical and mechanicals), fertilizer tanks, Digital Controllers, Pressure Gauges, etc. Sales occur through institutional markets and open market channels. Under open market sales, products are distributed through distributors and dealers, who then resell to customers, primarily farmers. As of July 31, 2023, sales were conducted through 8 distributors and approximately 425 dealers in India. End customers are eligible for government subsidies, managed by distributors/dealers or directly by customers.
Operating in Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Haryana, Polysil Irrigation Systems utilizes a dealer/distributor network in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan, and an institutional model in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.
The company is actively engaged in the production and distribution of micro irrigation systems, including drip irrigation systems and sprinkler irrigation systems as the associated components, accessories, and related products. Drip irrigation systems are mainly used to water a variety of crops such, as vegetables, flowers, fruits, and plantation crops. On the other hand sprinkler irrigation systems are primarily utilized for irrigating broadcast crops like cereals and oilseeds.
Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO Complete Details:

Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO Timetable:

Company Financial Details:

AS OF NOW, the GMP Of Polysil Irrigation Systems is Around 00 Rs.
Objects Of Issue:
- Financing our Working Capital Needs; and
- General Business Objectives
When Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is Opening?
Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is Opening on 08 February 2024.
When is the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO Closing?
Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is Closing on 13 February 2024.
What is the Issue Size of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The IPO Issue Size of Polysil Irrigation Systems is 17.44 Crore.
Price Band of Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The price Band of Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is 54 rupees per share.
What is the minimum investment for a Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The minimum investment for the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is 108,000 Rupees.
Allotment Date of Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The Allotment of Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is on 14 February 2024.
Listing Date of Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The Listing Of Polysil Irrigation Systems is Scheduled on 16 February 2024.
One Should Apply for Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO or Not?
Will Update Soon..
How to apply for Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO through the Zerodha Application?
Open Zerodha Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Orders ——–> Then at the Top Click on IPO ——–> Find Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Select Investor Type(Individual) ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select @ Extension ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–> Enter Quantity ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Drag Submit IPO Button On Right Side ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO through the Upstox Application?
Open Upstox Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Invest ——–> Then Click On “View ongoing IPO” ——–> Find Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter the Number of Lots to Purchase ( ENTER 1) ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Click on Continue ——–> Click on Confirm And Apply ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO through Angel One Application?
Open Angel One Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Home ——–> Click on IPO Button ——–> Find Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO from the list ——–> Click on Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO Name ——–> Click on Apply Now ——> Enter Lot (1) ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter UPI ID ——–> Click on “Apply For IPO” —>Click On Proceed ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
Who is the Lead Manager of Polysil Irrigation Systems?
Fedex Securities Private Limited is the Lead Manager of Polysil Irrigation Systems.
Where To Check the Allotment of Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The allotment status for the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO will be accessible on the Bigshare Services Private Limited Website.
Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is going to be listed at?
Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is going to be listed at NSE SME.
What is the Lot Size of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The lot size of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is 2000 Shares.
What is the P/E Ratio of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The P/E Ratio of the Polysil Irrigation Systems is 47.08.
What is the ROE of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The ROE of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is 7.39%.
What is the ROCE of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The ROCE of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is 12.81%.
What is the EPS of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO?
The EPS of the Polysil Irrigation Systems IPO is 1.15.