Tata Technologies is the first Tata company to go public in 18 years after Tata Consultancy Services. This IPO is considered one of the most sensational of 2023. Brokerages are quite bullish on Tata Technologies and the fundamentals are strong. Tata Technologies operates in the engineering research and development services domain and works with manufacturing companies particularly those that engineer products to the marketplace.
The company provides digital services for engineering and product development and caters to JLR and Tata Motors. It is a pioneer in the electric vehicle (EV) revolution in India. The company reported a 15.5% increase in revenue and a total profit increase of 23% to almost $50m. The fundamentals of Tata Technologies are strong, and brokerages are bullish. The IPO is set to be one of the most sensational in 2023 and is the first Tata company to go public in 18 years. The Tata brand, EV revolution, strong financials, and zero debt status are key reasons why Indian investors are keen to see Tata Technologies go public.
The company has worked with various clients to create innovative products that exceed expectations, such as an all-new electric SUV, a mid-sized SUV that beat all quality targets, and a military transport plane that required engineering support for fuel system simulation, design, and certification. Tata Technologies is a subsidiary of Tata Motors.
Tata Technologies is a global engineering services company that provides innovative solutions to various industries. The company’s turnkey solutions are a core part of its business, providing end-to-end engineering services to clients around the world.
What are Tata Technologies Turnkey Solutions?
Tata Technologies’ turnkey solutions are comprehensive engineering services that provide end-to-end solutions to clients. These solutions cover the entire engineering lifecycle, from concept to production, and include design, engineering, prototyping, testing, and validation.
Tata Technologies’ turnkey solutions are designed to provide clients with a single point of contact for all their engineering needs. This approach ensures that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.
Tata Technologies IPO Complete Details:

Tata Technologies IPO Timetable:

Company Financial Details:

AS OF NOW GMP OF Tata Technologies is 298 Rupees.
Objects Of Issue:
- The utilization of the proceeds from the offer by selling shareholders.
- The expenses associated with the offer.
The promoter of the company is Tata Motors Limited.
When Tata Technologies IPO is Opening?
Tata Technologies IPO is Opening on 22 November 2023.
When is the Tata Technologies IPO Closing?
Tata Technologies IPO is Closing on 24 November 2023.
What is the Issue Size of the Tata Technologies IPO?
The IPO Issue Size of Tata Technologies is 3,042.51 Crore.
Price Band of Tata Technologies IPO?
The price Band of Tata Technologies IPO is 475 to 500 rupees per share.
What is the minimum investment for a Tata Technologies IPO?
The minimum investment for the Tata Technologies IPO is 15,000 Rupees.
Allotment Date of Tata Technologies IPO?
The Allotment of Tata Technologies IPO is on 30 November 2023.
Listing Date of Tata Technologies IPO?
The Listing Of Tata Technologies is Scheduled on 05 December 2023.
One Should Apply for Tata Technologies IPO or Not?
will update soon
How to apply for Tata Technologies IPO through the Zerodha Application?
Open Zerodha Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Orders ——–> Then at the Top Click on IPO ——–> Find Tata Technologies IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Select Investor Type(Individual) ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select @ Extension ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–> Enter Quantity ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Drag Submit IPO Button On Right Side ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Tata Technologies IPO through the Upstox Application?
Open Upstox Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Invest ——–> Then Click On “View ongoing IPO” ——–> Find Tata Technologies IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter the Number of Lots to Purchase ( ENTER 1) ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Click on Continue ——–> Click on Confirm And Apply ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Tata Technologies IPO through Angel One Application?
Open Angel One Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Home ——–> Click on IPO Button ——–> Find Tata Technologies IPO from the list ——–> Click on Tata Technologies IPO Name ——–> Click on Apply Now ——> Enter Lot (1) ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter UPI ID ——–> Click on “Apply For IPO” —>Click On Proceed ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
Who is the Lead Manager of Tata Technologies?
JM Financial Limited, Citigroup Global Markets India Private Limited, and BOFA Securities India Limited are the Lead Managers of Tata Technologies.
Where To Check the Allotment of Tata Technologies IPO?
The allotment status for the Tata Technologies IPO will be accessible on the Link Intime India Private Limited Website.
Tata Technologies IPO is going to be listed at?
Tata Technologies IPO is going to be listed at BSE NSE.
What is the Lot Size of the Tata Technologies IPO?
The lot size of the Tata Technologies IPO is 30 Shares.
What is the EPS of Tata Technologies IPO?
The EPS of Tata Technologies is 15.37 Rupees.
What is the P/E Ratio of Tata Technologies IPO?
The P/E Ratio of Tata Technologies is 32.53.