Teerth Gopicon specializes in engineering projects with a focus, on building roads handling sewerage systems, and managing water distribution in Madhya Pradesh.
The company, registered as a contractor, for both state government bodies like ISCDL, IMC, USCL, UMC, MPJNM as well as private sector clients has been involved in a variety of projects. These projects cover areas such as constructing buildings, water supply systems, sewerage networks, treatment plants, road construction, etc.
The company operates as an EPC contractor providing a range of services including project engineering, material procurement, construction, execution, and operation/maintenance in accordance, with terms. Its skilled workforce, resources, equipment, and engineering expertise allow for project implementation nurturing ties, with current clients, and winning new projects.
The company mainly operates in Madhya Pradesh with a focus, on cities like Indore, Chhattarpur, Sagar, Dindori, Jabalpur and Ujjain. It serves clients such, as Indore Smart City Development Limited, Ujjain Smart City Limited and Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam Maryadit.
Teerth Gopicon IPO Complete Details:

Teerth Gopicon IPO Timetable:

Company Financial Details:

AS OF NOW, the GMP Of Teerth Gopicon is Around 17 Rs.
Objects Of Issue:
1. Meeting the working capital needs of our company; and
2. Addressing general corporate purposes.
When Teerth Gopicon IPO is Opening?
Teerth Gopicon IPO is Opening on 08 April 2024.
When is the Teerth Gopicon IPO Closing?
Teerth Gopicon IPO is Closing on 10 April 2024.
What is the Issue Size of the Teerth Gopicon IPO?
The IPO Issue Size of Teerth Gopicon is 44.40 Crore.
Price Band of Teerth Gopicon IPO?
The price Band of the Teerth Gopicon IPO is 111 rupees per share.
What is the minimum investment for Teerth Gopicon IPO?
The minimum investment for the Teerth Gopicon IPO is 133,200 Rupees.
Allotment Date of Teerth Gopicon IPO?
The Allotment of Teerth Gopicon IPO is on 12 April 2024.
Listing Date of Teerth Gopicon IPO?
The Listing Of Teerth Gopicon is Scheduled on 16 April 2024.
One Should Apply for Teerth Gopicon IPO or Not?
Will Update Soon..
How to apply for Teerth Gopicon IPO through the Zerodha Application?
Open Zerodha Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Orders ——–> Then at the Top Click on IPO ——–> Find Teerth Gopicon IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Select Investor Type(Individual) ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select @ Extension ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–> Enter Quantity ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Drag Submit IPO Button On Right Side ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Teerth Gopicon IPO through the Upstox Application?
Open Upstox Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Invest ——–> Then Click On “View ongoing IPO” ——–> Find Teerth Gopicon IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter the Number of Lots to Purchase ( ENTER 1) ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Click on Continue ——–> Click on Confirm And Apply ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Teerth Gopicon IPO through Angel One Application?
Open Angel One Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Home ——–> Click on IPO Button ——–> Find Teerth Gopicon IPO from the list ——–> Click on Teerth Gopicon IPO Name ——–> Click on Apply Now ——> Enter Lot (1) ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter UPI ID ——–> Click on “Apply For IPO” —>Click On Proceed ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
Who is the Lead Manager of Teerth Gopicon?
Interactive Financial Services Ltd is the Lead Manager of Teerth Gopicon.
Where To Check the Allotment of Teerth Gopicon IPO?
The allotment status for the Teerth Gopicon IPO will be accessible on the Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd Website.
Teerth Gopicon IPO is going to be listed at?
Teerth Gopicon IPO is going to be listed at NSE SME.
What is the Lot Size of the Teerth Gopicon IPO?
The lot size of the Teerth Gopicon IPO is 1200 Shares.
What is the P/E Ratio of the Teerth Gopicon?
The P/E Ratio of the Teerth Gopicon is 49.55.
What is the EPS of the Teerth Gopicon?
The EPS of the Teerth Gopicon is 2.24.
What is the ROE of the Teerth Gopicon?
The ROE of Teerth Gopicon is 66.40%.
What is the ROCE of the Teerth Gopicon?
The ROCE of Teerth Gopicon is 48.40%.