Winsol Engineers, based in Jamnagar offers services, in engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning. They specialize in providing Balance of Plant (BoP) Solutions for wind and solar power companies. Their core BoP services include foundation work, substation civil and electrical work, right-of-way services cabling to substation and grid as miscellaneous tasks. Clients in the energy sector prefer Winsol Engineers due to their track record of completing projects on time, with expertise, extensive experience, and cost-effectiveness.
Winsol Engineers also provides maintenance services for overseeing and managing plants. With a team of, more than 200 engineers and technicians Winsol Engineers undertakes a range of projects on a complete basis for customers such, as Suzlon, Adani Green Energy, Powerica Limited, and KP Energy Limited.
Since 2018 the company has finished, over 55 projects amounting to more than ₹17,000.00 lakhs. As of January 24, 2024, they are currently working on over 75 projects valued at, around ₹11,067.87 lakhs with invoices totaling ₹2,393.05 lakhs recorded, leading to an order book of ₹8,674.83 lakhs.
In the Operation & Maintenance sector, the company offers assistance, for on-site operations to enhance efficiency. They provide services such, as reducing downtime monitoring SCADA systems inspecting and reporting anomalies carrying out scheduled maintenance replacing equipment periodically, and participating in audits. Additionally, they also supply manpower for these tasks.
Winsol Engineers is focused on utilizing its strengths to expand into sectors that will support its growth goals. The company generates income from two areas of business; BoP Solutions, which involves engineering and consulting services as well, as civil construction projects, and Operation & Maintenance Services.
Winsol Engineers IPO Complete Details:

Winsol Engineers IPO Timetable:

Company Financial Details:

AS OF NOW, the GMP Of Winsol Engineers is Around 124 Rs.
Objects Of Issue:
1. Working Capital Needs.
2. Corporate Fund Utilization.
When Winsol Engineers IPO is Opening?
Winsol Engineers IPO is Opening on 06 May 2024.
When is the Winsol Engineers IPO Closing?
Winsol Engineers IPO is Closing on 09 May 2024.
What is the Issue Size of the Winsol Engineers IPO?
The IPO Issue Size of Winsol Engineers is 23.36 Crore.
Price Band of Winsol Engineers IPO?
The price Band of the Winsol Engineers IPO is 71 to 75 rupees per share.
What is the minimum investment for Winsol Engineers IPO?
The minimum investment for the Winsol Engineers IPO is 120,000 Rupees.
Allotment Date of Winsol Engineers IPO?
The Allotment of Winsol Engineers IPO is on 10 May 2024.
Listing Date of Winsol Engineers IPO?
The Listing Of Winsol Engineers is Scheduled on 14 May 2024.
One Should Apply for Winsol Engineers IPO or Not?
Will Update Soon..
How to apply for Winsol Engineers IPO through the Zerodha Application?
Open Zerodha Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Orders ——–> Then at the Top Click on IPO ——–> Find Winsol Engineers IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Select Investor Type(Individual) ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select @ Extension ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–> Enter Quantity ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Drag Submit IPO Button On Right Side ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Winsol Engineers IPO through the Upstox Old Application?
Open Upstox Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Invest ——–> Then Click On “View ongoing IPO” ——–> Find Winsol Engineers IPO from the list ——–> Then Click Apply Button ——–> Enter Your UPI ID ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter the Number of Lots to Purchase ( ENTER 1) ——–> Click on Cut-Off Price Box ——–>Tick Check Box Of Terms and Conditions ——–> Click on Continue ——–> Click on Confirm And Apply ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
How to apply for Winsol Engineers IPO through Angel One Application?
Open Angel One Application ——–> At the Bottom Click on Home ——–> Click on IPO Button ——–> Find Winsol Engineers IPO from the list ——–> Click on Winsol Engineers IPO Name ——–> Click on Apply Now ——> Enter Lot (1) ——–> Select Investor Type ——–> Enter UPI ID ——–> Click on “Apply For IPO” —>Click On Proceed ——–> Accept IPO Mandate Received in Your UPI Application.
Who is the Lead Manager of Winsol Engineers?
Beeline Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd is the Lead Manager of Winsol Engineers.
Where To Check the Allotment of Winsol Engineers IPO?
The allotment status for the Winsol Engineers IPO will be accessible on the Kfin Technologies Limited Website.
Winsol Engineers IPO is going to be listed at?
Winsol Engineers IPO is going to be listed at NSE SME.
What is the Lot Size of the Winsol Engineers IPO?
The lot size of the Winsol Engineers IPO is 1600 Shares.
What is the P/E Ratio of the Winsol Engineers?
The P/E Ratio of the Winsol Engineers is 12.19.
What is the EPS of the Winsol Engineers?
The EPS of the Winsol Engineers is 6.15.
What is the ROE of the Winsol Engineers?
The ROE of Winsol Engineers is 22.33%.
What is the ROCE of the Winsol Engineers?
The ROCE of Winsol Engineers is 11.71%.